msl.package_manager.uninstall module

Uninstall MSL packages.

msl.package_manager.uninstall.uninstall(*names, **kwargs)[source]

Uninstall MSL packages.

Changed in version 2.4.0: Added the pip_options keyword argument.

  • *names – The name(s) of the MSL package(s) to uninstall. If not specified then uninstall all MSL packages (except for the MSL Package Manager – in which case use pip uninstall msl-package-manager). The msl- prefix can be omitted (e.g., 'loadlib' is equivalent to 'msl-loadlib'). Also accepts shell-style wildcards (e.g., 'pr-*').

  • **kwargs

    • yes – bool

      If True then don’t ask for confirmation before uninstalling. The default is False (ask before uninstalling).

    • pip_options – list of str

      Optional arguments to pass to the pip uninstall command, e.g., ['--no-python-version-warning']