Source code for msl.package_manager.cli

Main entry point to either :ref:`install <install-cli>`, :ref:`uninstall <uninstall-cli>`,
:ref:`update <update-cli>`, :ref:`list <list-cli>` or :ref:`create <create-cli>`
MSL packages using the command-line interface (CLI).
import logging
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys

from pkg_resources import parse_version

from . import __version__
from . import utils
from .utils import _PKG_NAME


_pip_options_regexg = re.compile(r'\s+(-[a-zA-Z])?,?\s+(--[-\w]+)\s+(<.*>)?\s')

[docs]def configure_parser(): """:class:`~msl.package_manager.cli_argparse.ArgumentParser`: Returns the argument parser.""" # pretty much mimics the ArgumentParser structure used by conda global PARSER if PARSER is not None: return PARSER from .cli_argparse import ArgumentParser from .cli_install import add_parser_install from .cli_uninstall import add_parser_uninstall from .cli_update import add_parser_update from .cli_list import add_parser_list from .cli_create import add_parser_create from .cli_authorise import add_parser_authorise PARSER = ArgumentParser(description='Install, uninstall, update, list or create MSL packages.') PARSER.add_argument( '-V', '--version', action='version', version='{} {}'.format(_PKG_NAME, __version__), help='Show the MSL Package Manager version number and exit.' ) command_parser = PARSER.add_subparsers( metavar='command', dest='cmd', ) # # command_parser.required = True add_parser_install(command_parser) add_parser_uninstall(command_parser) add_parser_uninstall(command_parser, name='remove') add_parser_update(command_parser) add_parser_update(command_parser, name='upgrade') add_parser_list(command_parser) add_parser_create(command_parser) add_parser_authorise(command_parser) add_parser_authorise(command_parser, name='authorize') return PARSER
[docs]def parse_args(args): """Parse arguments. Parameters ---------- args : :class:`list` of :class:`str` The arguments to parse. Returns ------- An :class:`argparse.Namespace` or :data:`None` if there was an error. """ def pip_options_valid(command): # returns either True or False valid_options = {} out = subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'help', command], stderr=subprocess.PIPE) for short, long, value in _pip_options_regexg.findall(out.decode()): if short: valid_options[short] = value valid_options[long] = value pip_options_copy = pip_options[:] for i, option in enumerate(pip_options_copy): if not option.startswith('-'): # make sure the previous item in pip_options accepts a value # if it doesn't then append the option to parsed_args.names # because the name of an MSL package got mistakenly added to pip_options if not valid_options.get(pip_options_copy[i-1]): name = pip_options.pop(pip_options.index(option)) parsed_args.names.append(name) elif option not in valid_options: utils.log.error('No such option for "pip %s": %s', command, option) return False # if the pip option requires a value then make sure the value did # not end up in the parsed_args.names list and the value comes # immediately after the appropriate item in the pip_options list elif valid_options[option]: arg_index = args.index(option) + 1 pip_index = pip_options_copy.index(option) + 1 if pip_index >= len(pip_options_copy) or args[arg_index] != pip_options_copy[pip_index]: names_index = parsed_args.names.index(args[arg_index]) name = parsed_args.names.pop(names_index) pip_options.insert(pip_index, name) return True parser = configure_parser() # Want to be able to support all options that "pip (un)install" # supports without depending on the version of pip that is installed. # There are possible 3 ways to do this: # 1) create a new argparse with nargs=* # 2) create a new argparse with nargs=REMAINDER # 3) use parse_known_args() instead of parse_args() # Option 3 was the preferred way because nargs=* and nargs=REMAINDER # each had their limitations. parsed_args, pip_options = parser.parse_known_args(args=args) if parsed_args.quiet == 0: utils.set_log_level(logging.DEBUG) elif parsed_args.quiet == 1: utils.set_log_level(logging.INFO) elif parsed_args.quiet == 2: utils.set_log_level(logging.WARNING) elif parsed_args.quiet == 3: utils.set_log_level(logging.ERROR) elif parsed_args.quiet == 4: utils.set_log_level(logging.CRITICAL + 1) if pip_options: if parsed_args.cmd in ['install', 'update', 'upgrade']: if not pip_options_valid('install'): return elif parsed_args.cmd in ['uninstall', 'remove']: if not pip_options_valid('uninstall'): return else: utils.log.warning('The following options are ignored: %s', ' '.join(p for p in pip_options)) parsed_args.pip_options = pip_options return parsed_args
def _main(*args): # parse the input if not args: args = sys.argv[1:] if not args: args = ['--help'] args = parse_args(args) if not args: return # when the msl-package-manager gets updated a msl.exe.old file gets created (on Windows) old = sys.exec_prefix + '/Scripts/msl.exe.old' if os.path.isfile(old): os.remove(old) # execute the command ret = args.func(args, PARSER) if ret == 'updating_msl_package_manager': return if args.disable_mslpm_version_check: return # check if there is an update for the MSL Package Manager # do not log any messages when checking for the update utils.set_log_level(logging.CRITICAL+1) pkgs = utils.pypi() if not pkgs: return latest = pkgs[_PKG_NAME]['version'] if parse_version(latest) > parse_version(__version__): utils.set_log_level(logging.WARNING) utils.log.warning('You are using %s version %s, however, version %s is available.\n' 'You should consider updating via the \'msl update package-manager\'' ' command.', _PKG_NAME, __version__, latest)
[docs]def main(*args): """ Main entry point to either :ref:`install <install-cli>`, :ref:`uninstall <uninstall-cli>`, :ref:`update <update-cli>`, :ref:`list <list-cli>` or :ref:`create <create-cli>` MSL packages using the CLI. """ sys.exit(_main(*args))
if __name__ == '__main__': _main()